Our Final Horror Sequence 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Script

We only really needed to plan the script for the radio recording we play over the house scene. This is because the girl in the shed and the man in the house never actually exchange any dialogue. This wont make shooting the sequence any easier as we have to tell the story in other ways.

This is a picture of our original script. This is the only planning we have done for the script we have focused more on the shooting schedule and storyboard.

All it shows is some of the dialogue needed for the news on the radio. It does not include any screams and noises made by the girl in the shed. To be fair we are planning on letting the actress in the shed make up the noises and screams she makes as this will make it look more realistic as apposed to false.

We are also thinking about having the man repeat 1,2,3,4 whenever he does an action for example opening a cupboard, as this will enthesise that he has OCD, however we are not entirely sure of this as we don't want it to get too repetitive and bore the audience.

We are yet to shoot our final media product but i know we should have planned our script then we have so far. hopefully it won't have any repucutions on the quality of the product.

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