Our Final Horror Sequence 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Research on Editing

House scene

In this clip, before the man is cutting his toast he is removing his cutlery from the plastic bag. A series of jump cuts are used here. This looks extremely effective and contradicts the idea that everything is perfect. It highlights what he is doing and reinforces that what he is doing is extremely strange.

Shed Scene
Psyco Shower Scene

Similarly here, a series of jump cuts are used but for a slightly different effect. The jump cuts here make the audience feel uneasy and add to the scariness of the scene. The editing style is effective. We could use this technique in the shed scene to add to the idea of the girl feeling disorientated and scared.
We realise as Media students that using jump cuts could be quite risky as our examiner may not realise that we used them to add to the effect of the piece, and instead think that it is just poor editing. We will use the test editing time to see how effective these jump cuts are and use them if they look good and professional.


Vacancy, Section 8: Slow reveal of female victim

The first two minutes of this section of the movie uses a similar style of editing that we want to use in the first section of our sequence. Not much is giving away, we see CUs of her face, and her surrounding but and no long shots are used. In doing this we aim to achieve a sense of mystery, we want to hold something back from the audience so that they want to continue on to watch the film. 
The pace of this section here is also slow, we want to use this idea of a slow reveal to create a sense of long suffering pain and misery. At the same time, we want to show a lot in this section, we need to reveal to the audience elements of the story but at the same time be cautious not to give too much away. 

Other effects 
When editing we also what to create the effect that this girl, who has been captured, feels lost, uneasy and disorientated. In order to achieve this we want to use 
  • blurring out shots to give us a sense of her surroundings from her point of view. 

The second picture of the first row could be similar to a shot we shoot. This still seems slightly blurred. This will add to her sense of disorientation, making the audience feel uneasy. 

  • jump cuts as mentioned before
  • blank screens. A blank screen would add to the sense of disorientation and again make the audience feel uneasy. It could be as if we are seeing everything from her point of view, and at this point she is blinking. 

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